Monday, December 30, 2013

How would you change Canon's EOS-1D X?



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How would you change Canon's EOS-1D X?
12/30/2013 3:19:00 AM

A $7,000 camera may only share a border with the mainstream gadgets we normally discuss on How Would You Change, but it's one that's worth bending a rule to discuss here. In the hands of our reviewer, we learned that Canon's EOS-1D X wasn't compelling enough to convince 1Ds Mk. III users to switch, but when it comes to such luxurious cameras, the 5D Mark III was the better and cheaper choice overall. That was his finding, at least -- but what about you all? Share your experiences shooting with this gear in our forum discussion. And for a primer on how to get started, check out our guide to the new Engadget.



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