Tuesday, January 21, 2014

4G mobiles will download 800MB movies in 22 seconds in South Korea



Gadget Reviews, Product News, Electronic Gadgets // via fulltextrssfeed.com

4G mobiles will download 800MB movies in 22 seconds in South Korea
1/20/2014 2:30:00 PM

If you thought the UK was ploughing ahead with its good work on 4G LTE mobile speeds you need only look at South Korea to feel humbled. SK Telecoms has cracked 300Mbps downloads for South Korea's residents, meaning an 800MB movie downloads to a handset in 22 seconds. The technology should be available to the public later this year.

The UK currently has LTE-Advanced which offers up to 60Mbps, although we did try out Huawei's 300Mbps offering recently and hope it will be arriving in the UK this year also.

But even then we'll be outdone once again as SK Telecoms shows of its 450Mbps technology at Mobile World Congress next month. This speed probably won't be available for a while after the 300Mbps offering, which should be operational in South Korea later this year.

READ: Huawei talks 300Mbps home router, next gen wearables and our 5G future

Of course these huge jumps in speed will mean handset manufacturers will need to upgrade chips and power in order to take advantage of such speeds. And that means we'll need to buy more kit to keep up.

But while costs ramp up technology moves forward faster than ever. By the end of this year you might be streaming 4K Netflix to your 4K phone's screen over 4G.


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