Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Sky and Vodafone could team up to take on BT



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Sky and Vodafone could team up to take on BT
1/20/2014 2:38:00 PM


When Sky and BT started attacking each other, we had imagined that the conflict would soon fizzle out. After all, the last time we saw a media heavyweight go up against the Haus of Murdoch, the only survivor was a stuffed monkey. This time, however, BT's billion-pound gambles on sport, mobile and broadband seem to have made the folks over at Osterley more than a little edgy. According to The Sunday Times, executives at Sky have been holding secret meetings with Vodafone to discuss ways the pair can team up. The proposals run from minor deals concerning Sky Movies on Vodafone handsets, all the way through to the duo building a nationwide broadband network that'll rival the country's number one. It's all just gossip for now, however, but in the meantime, while these three go at each other, Netflix can mop up behind their backs.



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